What is the XTERRA World Ranking (XWR)?
The XTERRA World Ranking is a formula-driven scoring system that ranks every athlete who competes at an XTERRA World Championship qualifying event.
When did this begin?
The first-ever XWR was launched on February 26, 2020.
How is my score determined?

Point scores are determined by a formula which accounts for:

  • Strength and depth of field (as reflected in elite field racing the event, and # of participants)
  • Difficulty of the course (e.g. elevation, water and air temperature, rainfall, trail type, etc.)
  • Level of event (e.g. Gold, Silver, Championship)
  • Finishing Time (Time back from the gender winner)
Is my score an average of my results?
No. An athlete's XTERRA World Ranking score is based on their single best points score over a rolling 18-month time period.
When does the ranking period start/end?
The XTERRA Wellington full distance off-road triathlon on February 1, 2020 was the first official event to be ranked. The first fully vetted ranking will be available August 1, 2021.
What are the baseline rankings?

Nico Lebrun has been feeding select XTERRA race results into the system for two years to test various formulas in order to come up with just the right criteria for XTERRA, something stable that will show an athlete's level in XTERRA racing.

Lebrun used the results from this testing phase to create a baseline for what the system will look and feel like, and these rankings –based on select competition results dating back to August 2018 – are available now.

Can I see what races were included in current standings?
Yes, the selection of World Tour full course triathlons that were used for baseline rankings from 2018 and 2019 are shown in the "Race Results" page.
How often are the rankings updated?
Rankings will be updated weekly based on the previous weekends' results. The site will indicate when the results were last updated.
What races are included?

All XTERRA World Championship qualifying full distance off-road triathlon races will be scored in 2022. A complete list of races is here 2022 XTERRA World Tour Schedule.

Why can't I find myself?
You will only be included in the rankings if you raced in one of the races listed on the Race Results page. If you did race and can't find your name, please double check for your name in reverse order (i.e. surname and then first name). Email rankings@xterraplanet.com with any corrections.
Why are some of my races missing?
Not all XTERRA full length triathlons in 2018/2019 were scored.
Can I submit my photo for my profile page?
Yes! Please send us your photo. Your profile photo must be larger than 1mb but less than 3mb. Be sure your face is clear and in focus. Name the photo with your name (i.e. firstname_lastname.jpg) and send it to athletephoto@xterraplanet.com.
How can I sort the data?
The user-friendly website interface can be sorted by points, age group division, and nationality for both men and women.
I have a question/comment, where do I send it?